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Our Ventures

A little bit more about some of our ventures...

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Hiya! is a technology enabled end-to-end subscription platform, providing essential goods & services underpinned by affordable financial inclusion for the 10M+ low-income UK households.


Subscriptions are a rapidly growing offerings, of recent note in the UK are AO, John Lewis, Jaguar/Land Rover. Further afield, both Grover and Rentomojo offer rented consumer electronics as an alternative to ownership.


Hiya! works with the 10M+ financial excluded UK adults - households with limited access to essential goods, services & affordable credit. Where credit access is available, it is at a "Poverty Premium".

Hiya!'s business and operating platform has technology at its core, including:


  • Embedded control & communication tech built into each of our rented assets - drives costs down & defaults down


  • End-to-end digital multichannel CRM & multi-product platform - market leading Velocity & LTV


  •  Data/tech driven decision making - customers pay up to 20% less than comparable offers


​The technology together with the 100+ years combined experience of our leadership team with this customer group is already showing outstanding scale-up performance in the UK. At some point, we will also be pursuing territories outside the UK...


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Te ayudamos en la gestión de tus procesos

We help you in the management of your processes


Somos especialistas en la gestión del riesgo de crédito, el desarrollo de tecnología a medida y todo el ciclo del recobro.

We are specialists in credit risk management, the development of customised technology and the entire recovery cycle.


Te ayudamos en la optimización en el retorno de carteras de deuda y procesos internos de las empresas.

We help you optimise the return of debt portfolios and internal processes of companies.







Ideas: A veces puede costar trasladar al negocio el acto más básico de entendimiento. Te ayudamos en este proceso, y diseñamos contigo el plan para llevarlas a cabo.  Tenemos la experiencia y conocimiento para proponerte opciones y formas de mejorar tus procesos.


Ideas: Sometimes it can be difficult to translate the most basic act of understanding into business.  We help you in this process, and we design with you the plan to achieve this.  We have the experience and knowledge to propose options and ways to improve your processes.


Innovación: Si todo está ya inventado, si esto es ABC, si crees que esto siempre se ha hecho así, no somos tu compañero de viaje. Si quieres mejorar pero no sabes cómo, y crees que estás atascado, contacta con nosotros.


Innovation: If everything has already been invented, if this is ABC, if you think it has already been done this way, we are not the right partner for you.  If you want to improve but you don’t how, and you think you’re stuck, contact us.


Ecnología: Nuestro tercer pilar está basado en aplicar los 2 primeros a través de los mejores y más novedosos procesos, apoyados en el desarrollo de herramientas a medida y la inteligencia artificial, con el desarrollo de redes neuronales exclusivas para ti.


Technology: Out third pillar is based on applying the first two pillars through the best and most innovative processes, supported by the development of customised tools and artificial intelligence, with the development of neural networks exclusive to you.


Get in Touch

Send us a message or give us a call to speak to a member of our team, or to enquire about working with us.


The Rede Company, 4th Floor,

18 St. Cross Street, 



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